Sunday Mornings
We understand that not everyone who comes to our churches grew up in the congregation. Some may not have gone to a church before. Some may just be interested in what happens in our churches. We know that going somewhere new can be intimidating for many people. We also know that church can seem very different for those who have never been before. Please know that you will not be judged for not knowing the Bible, we are all in different stages of learning and understanding. We are just pleased that you chose to share your time with us. Here is a little bit of information that you may find useful.
When and Where is it?
9:45 am Sunday School
11:00 am Worship Service
4712 53rd Avenue
Breton, Alberta
T0C 0P0
I have children are they welcome?
Yes. We love having children at our churches and welcome them. Most Sundays they are invited to attend Children’s Church during the sermon (a time for prayer, crafts, and bible stories). Children are also welcome to stay with their families if they wish. We understand that children are not always used to sitting through the first part of the service and sometimes move around, talk, sing, or dance and this is okay.
What do people wear to church?
Some people like to dress up for church, while others dress casually. What is important isn’t how we dress but that we come together. We welcome everything from jeans to suits.
What happens when I open the doors?
You will walk into our fellowship area where people gather and visit before the worship time begins; there is coffee available and sometimes snacks. From there, our ushers will greet you. They will give you a bulletin (a piece of paper with the outline of the service on it). You are then welcome to sit wherever you would like. Some people like to talk before the service others like to sit quietly.
Where should I sit?
Anywhere. While many people sit in the same place every week people are welcome to sit wherever they would like and we’ll make room for you wherever you sit.
What if I don’t like to sing?
Worship in the Christian faith involves a lot of singing. We sing four hymns (songs) on a Sunday with a couple of shorter songs. If you don’t like singing don’t worry, just listen and enjoy.
What is the offering?
The offering is the time in the service when we celebrate the sharing of our gifts of time, talent, and money. Many people will place donations to the church on a plate that is passed around during this part of the service. While we are grateful for any and all donations if you don’t want to donate or if you don’t have money with you just let the plate go by. No one will be offended if you don’t give. The greeters can also give you a guest envelope if you would like a tax receipt for your donation. Financial gifts help support the ministry of the church. With a lot of care and prayer, we strive to be good stewards of all donations of time, talent, and money.
What do I call the Pastor?
There are many titles used for ministers including reverend or pastor. Some people like to use former titles when talking to the pastor.
What happens after church?
Following the service you are welcome to join us for coffee, tea, and a snack in the foyer, the same fellowship area as when you arrived. You are welcome but not obliged to stay. The pastor greets people as they leave and shakes their hands.
I came to church, but I’m late. Is that okay?
Yes. It is okay if you are late or if you have to leave early. The bulletins are on a stand near the entrance and you are welcome to take one and quietly find a seat.
What if I have other questions?
Send us an e-mail or give us a call and we’ll be happy to help you know more about the church. Under the “Contact us” tab you’ll find our information
Sunday School
Sunday School typically happens from 9:45 am to 10:45 am Sunday mornings. Please check the church calendar for Sunday school dates and available classes!
The nursery room is open to all on Sunday mornings from 11:00 am-12:30 pm, and has toys, rocking chairs, a personal bathroom and changing tables available. For any questions about nursery, please feel free to contact the Church office.